Many thanks for advertising with Walsall Operatic Society. In order to make sure that your advert looks the very best that it can, please can we ask that you supply any artwork with the following specifications:

Dimensions (in mm) 
Full Page (portrait) – 297 x 210
Half Page (landscape) – 210 x 148
Quarter Page (portrait) – 148 x 105

File Format 
Ideally, please supply your artwork as PDF as this will produce the best representation of your original artwork. We are also able to accept .tif .jpeg and other image files.

Bleed & Resolution
Please can we ask that artwork is supplied with a 3mm bleed on all sides. All non-vector artwork should be supplied at a minimum resolution of 300dpi. Anything lower than this may result in blurry or pixelated images when printed.

If you have any questions, please contact